Join The Fight
UTLA believes that when students and their families have their basic needs fulfilled, educators can succeed. Together, we are taking a holistic approach to ensure our community’s well-being and give them a fighting chance to thrive.
Here is what we can do to build an equitable community:
LAUSD Property Conversions Convert vacant LAUSD property into housing for low-income families
Mental Health Support Increased staffing focused on mental health support for students and their families
Expand Black Student Achievement Program Increased funding and expansion by providing schools with the highest Black student population socio-emotional health resources, culturally relevant curriculum, and needs-based community relationships
Support For Families Ongoing LAUSD support for families dealing with COVID-related academic, economic, health, racial inequity impacts, and in addition to the systemic inequities impacting Black and Brown students.
Expand Community Schools Provide funding and develop organizational structures to expand schools with resources for family/community/youth engagement, broadened curriculum, shared decision-making, and wraparound services.
Support Community Schools Provide funding and organizational structures to support existing Community Schools
Section 8 Housing Vouchers Push for targeted Section 8 housing vouchers to support LAUSD families
Advance Community School Pillars Support development of Community School pillars and mechanisms in all schools
Anti-Poverty Programs Support for anti-poverty programs in Los Angeles
Support for Immigrants Support for immigrant students and families with and without documentation
Academic Support Targeted academic support for unhoused students, foster care students, working students, and parenting students