Proposals and agreements will be posted below as they are presented at the bargaining table. To view previous bargaining updates, please click “See All” below to visit the Resource Center. For assistance with contracts, please email:
Read Full Healthcare TA
UTLA and the other LAUSD employee unions stayed united in healthcare negotiations, and TODAY WE WON!
The two-year agreement reached delivers on all union goals:
Maintenance of fully paid healthcare for employees, dependents, and retirees.
A multi-year deal (LAUSD originally offered only a one-year agreement).
Preservation of the union-majority Health Benefits Committee, which has been critical to securing the best plans for union members and retirees at a sustainable cost (LAUSD wanted to dismantle it).
New equity language to explore potential improvements around gender affirmation care and mental health care.
UTLA members will vote on the agreement on October 24-26.